Happy Veterans Day
It would be un-American, not to give a shout out to all our veterans today, especially those in our own families. I would like to thank those in my family who have served or are still serving. To my Uncle Bill, my stepson Sean, my sister-in-law Cerina, and a whole bunch of my wife's family, thank you for your service!
William Andrews (US Navy) left Sean Ulibarri (US Army) and Cerina Gearhart (US Air Force) on either side of my wife, Dawn Ulibarri-Kurtz (military mom and sister)
And, we should thank our veterans, not just on Veterans Day, but whenever you see them in everyday life. It is our duty to show them respect for their devotion to our country and for the sacrifices they make to keep us safe. I hope and pray that this change in our government will benefit our vets and armed forces, and I think it will. If you see a vet at the restaurant, buy their meal; or if you see a gentleman in line at the grocery store, who is wearing a ballcap with the branch he served, thank him for his service. The same applies to public servants like law enforcement, fire and medical workers, and the list goes on. And that brings me to my next topic—Support Your Elected Officials.
Support Your Elected Officials
I am not going to get political in this post, except to say, please Support Your Elected Officials! I realize Trump may not be the most couth president to serve this country, and yes, he may be a felon, allegedly, but I believe that he has America's best interest at heart, and I foresee great things happening in the next four years! However, no single person can turn this country around by themselves, so, even if you hate Trump, at least pray for him, and pray for our government to make good decisions, and pray for us all to do the next right thing.
post-mortem, Latin- post-after and mortem-death
post-mortem, Narrative Niche- post-public diary and mortem-an extended absence of posts by a blogger
If you read this blog, you are well aware that, from time to time, I tend to take a little break from posting, and then I always end up writing a post like this, apologizing for my empty blog and describing, in great detail, the exact reason for my lack of posts. Unwantingly, I have enough of these posts that they could be their own category. So, what shall I call these posts, in which I beg for forgiveness for not writing my due diligence? For, for, for, three fors in a row, did you catch that?
Post-mortem sounds appropriate doesn't it? I mean, it has post, which is the topic of this post, and it has mortem—a blog without posts is dead! Well, Narrative Niche is not dead, it was just on vacation, working, and this, I hope, is my last post-mortem. I do apologize to my dedicated fan base, Mom, Dawn, and my kids, and there is no excuse for my empty blog. I missed Halloween, NANOWRIMO, and who knows what else. I am writing a short horror story, and was trying to finish it in time for Halloween, but that didn't happen, obviously. However, I am close to finishing it now. 'Tis a scary tale about life, working on the railroad in the Colorado Rockies, back in the late 1800s, and I'll probably just post it here on Narrative Niche.