It has been quite a while since my last blog entry. Since I am the only one reading my blog, I guess it doesn’t really matter. A lot has happened since June 8. My wife Dawn and me were displaced from our home on June 17 due to a fire that jumped from our neighbors home to ours. Our 1-1/2 year old indoor cat Xani was displaced also, and we have yet to reunite with her.
Our families, friends, and co-workers have been a godsend! We were able to stay with my parents in their beautiful new home while we figured things out and we were very fortunate to find a new home on the same street! We believe Xani is hanging out around the neighborhood and will smell us out and come to her new home.
Dawn and I have continued working our jobs through all this, and somehow, I’ve still found time to write. The first draft of Mysterious Ways is about one-third complete. I’ve written 25,000 words, on 89 pages, over 8 chapters. I have kept to my original plot, mostly, though I’ve added characters and new twists along the way. I’m also creating as I go, a story bible to help keep track of all the characters, locations, backstories, and literary devices, etc.
My original goal to finish the first draft by my birthday, September 22 seems to be obtainable, barring no more major life catastrophes. Thanks for listening.